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I’m a storyteller, writer, and teacher. During the day, I work with middle school students. My focuses are language arts and literacy. At home, I set aside time every day to write on my blog, craft short fiction, and produce chapters for my fantasy book series, A Thousand Watchful Eyes.

I write fantasy books and short stories, some of which are online or awaiting publication. The rest of my stories are confined to composition notebooks, text files, piles of computer print-outs, and scribbly, handwritten explorations of imaginary kingdoms and queendoms.

Why I Write Fantasy

I write fantasy for many reasons…

Sometimes I want to ride horses or win a sword fight. Sometimes I want to save a kingdom. Other times, I want to know what it’s like to destroy an ancient relic of a dark dynasty or capture the divinity of a forest in a few words.

Most of time, I’m just chasing ideas – intrigued by the mystery of a scar, or the taste of fresh fruit after a good daydream.

But mostly, I fall into my habit of imagining what it’s like to be fourteen again, when the world was equally full of magic and hypocrisy.

What You Can Find Here

This site is a hub for my work. Here, you can see my process behind creating a nine-novel fantasy series, a five-novel prequel quintet, and a collection of short stories. I also include links to challenges and experiments I host through my blog and social media accounts.

When I research for my novels, it takes me to new and intriguing places. Therefore, the articles on this site and on Paper Palaces range a variety of subjects.  For example, these topics are currently popular: reading and writing fiction, building fictional worlds, crafting maps, and setting goals.

My Goal

I want to write as many books as I can in a short span of time. Why? I feel compelled to tell stories, and I know that I have a limited time to do so. I’m trying to accomplish as much as I can in the next ten years, and after that, I hope to accomplish more.

The Next Five Years

For the next five years, I am dedicating a majority of my creative time exploring novel writing, creating solid scenes, and crafting fiction.

I have one purpose in mind: to write good books, and make each one better than the last.

Stay posted:


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Let’s Connect!

Instagram: @CurtisWritesBooks

Facebook: /curtisteichertbooks

Patreon: /CurtisWritesBooks

Twitter: @staghorncrown

WordPress: PaperPalacesBlog.com